Athletic Training Camp Spain.
Date will be announced soon
This Camp is based in the smooth hills of Catalonia near Barcelona. We will live in a big house in typical southern style.

Time & Location
Date will be announced soon
Spain, Near Barcelona
About the event
This is an individual athletes camp.
You can join as an athlete no matter if you come from a single sport or a team sport.
The maximum amount of athletes at this Camp will be 15. This Camp is a mix of a team training & an individual training for you.
Each athlete no matter what level will start and finish the camp with the the medical & fitness tests to check out the condition bevor and after. On this results we will create together with our medical & coaching team an individual trainings, regeneration & medical plan for the whole week.
Like in every of our Summer Camps will be the main focus on sport specific
Fitness, Athletic & Functional Training with fun sport activities
at amazing trainings spots.
Which means stronger - faster - better, through a hard & intensive training but with a lot of fun.
This Accommodation will be announced two weeks bevor the camp starts.
We will live in a big house with own swimming pool at the beautiful Catalonia.
Every Athlete will get full medical and fitness tests in the beginning & in the end of the trainings camp.
Tests like: Functional Test, Athletic Test, Fitness Test, Condition Test, Cooper Test, Blood Oxygen Test, Blood Presure Test, Lactate Test, Power Tests, Joint Mobility, Spine Mobility.
Sport Specific Analytics: For the SSA every athlete needs to show us small video clips of him at his sport. With these clips we can analyze him at his sport and can but this in to the planing of the training sessions.
After the Fitness & Medical Tests we create an individual and personal medical, functional, fitness & athletic plan.
The training will be focused on:
* Functional Training with A-License Coach
* Athletic Training with A-License Coach
* Fitness Training with A-License Coach
Our own Pro Medical Therapy Team with the Mobile Medical Center will be available at the trainings camp. They will take care about every single athlete on the highest level.
After the medical tests in the beginning, our team will create an individual therapy plan for every athlete.
The Medical Therapy Team will take care of you in the fields:
Sports Medical Therapy - Physiotherapy - Massage - Chiropractic - Rehabilitation - Regeneration - Relaxation,
with Treatments like:
Sport, Medical & Relax Massage - Dry Needling - Laser Therapy - Relaxation - Stimulation Therapy - Ultrasound Therapy - Elektro Therapy - Spine Therapy - Lymphdrainage - Sport taping - K-Taping - Moxa Therapy - Oxygen Therapy - TPC Mineral heating Therapy - Reflexology Treatments -Sauna - Ice Bath - Whirlpool
Treatments you will enjoy every single day & all the treatments are included.
Beside the normal intensive trainings sessions we will have side trainings like for example:
* Football
* Basketball
* Swimming
* Beach Volleyball
* Skating
and which are all included.
Between the morning & evening training sessions we will have time for some Fun/Side activities like for example:
- Gokart
- Adventure Park
- Climbing
- Bowling
- Horse Riding
- Sky diving
- Paintball
and so on.
We would be proud to welcome you in our Camp and to help you to become an ever
better Athlete
See you in Spain,
Wellbody Sports Care Team